10 November 2013

Africa is Crying....Should we Help?

Africa is Crying....Should we Help? 

Poverty is considered as the primary cause of child labor in Africa.Child labour in Africa is the employment of children in a manner that deprives them of their childhood, and is harmful to their physical and mental development. Africa has the world's highest incidence rates of child labour. The problem is severe in sub-saharan Africa where more than 40% of all children aged 5–14 labour for survival, or about 48 million children.
International Labour Organization estimates that agriculture is the largest employer of child labor in Africa. Vast majority are unpaid family workers.
"Agriculture alone employs more than 30% of all African children aged 10–14. Informal economy such as small scale artisanal mines is another significant employer of child labour..."

In 2008, Bloomberg claimed child labour in copper and cobalt mines of Congo that supplied Chinese companies. The children dig the ore by hand, carry sacks of ores on their backs, and these are then purchased by these companies. Over 60 of Katanga's 75 processing plants are owned by Chinese companies and 90 percent of the region's minerals go to China. An African NGO report claimed 80,000 child labourers under the age of 15, or about 40% of all miners, were supplying ore to Chinese companies in this African region

International Labor Organization (ILO) suggests poverty is the greatest single force driving children into the workplace. Another major factor driving children to harmful labor is the lack of schools and poor quality of schooling.

The Need of hour is very easy to be understood only if u feel you are able to take the responsibility,
 Rethink n make your choice?

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